Running Queries

When users build data visualizations using the metadata trees, measures, and drop zones on the Discover point-and-click interface, they are, in effect, building queries against their chosen database. Pyramid offers a variety of controls on how and when queries should run - to optimize both the user's experience and performance of the overall system.

Query Execution

By default, most users have their queries auto run and execute based on each change they make in the interface as they click, drag-and-drop, and so on. In some situations, however, this behavior is not preferred, and the auto run option is disabled and switched to manual execution mode. This may be because the user wants to make several changes before the query executes or because the data source is slow and it's quicker to setup the selections in multiple steps before launching the query. This default behavior can be changed in the user defaults.

The Auto Run button is present on both the Report and Query ribbons in Discover Pro:

  • To enable and disable auto run, click Auto Run (red arrow).

    When auto run is active, the button appears selected (it is toggled "on").

  • To run queries manually, click Run Query in the top-left corner (white arrow) or F2 on your keyboard.

    When the application detects changes to the query that need to be executed, a small yellow lightning bolt is shown and the button is highlighted. This lets you know that you need to manually run the query.

Auto Run and Non-Auto Run Events

As described above, the auto run mode executes a query automatically every time the application detects a change that changes the query. This includes changes to drop zone selections, measures, calculations, and other query functions.

By default, auto run is also used when a slice is selected, although this can be configured on a per-slicer basis. For more information, see Slicer Settings.

Any changes that do NOT require a query change, do not prompt auto run to execute. This includes formatting and most visualization changes, manual element tree selections, and checking or unchecking member elements. Instead, the user gets a hint that the query needs to run manually as these changes are made (the Run Query button lights up and displays the lightning bolt icon).

Controlling Queries

Beyond determining how and when queries should run, there are several query options on the Query ribbon that impact how queries execute and how the returned results appear. For more information, see Query Options.

Query and Report Reset

The Query Reset and Report Reset buttons allow the user to revert or clear their current query selections and changes. These features let the user do a master "undo" in their current Discover report quickly and easily. For more information, see Query and Report Reset.